A Controversial, yet Historical Election


With the presidential election coming to an end, the faculty disclose on what they have in mind for their country.

“A good president exemplifies leadership qualities,” Librarian Ms. Lambert said. “Like being a good listener and a good critical thinker for problem solving.”

Having two controversial candidates who have different opinions on immigration and foreign threats, the faculty believes it is critical to vote this year.

“It’s always important to vote for any election, particularly this year,” debate teacher Mr. Schaefer said. “It has a really big influence on the next election for the House of Representatives.”

This historic campaign on both fronts has been a dizzy and at times disturbing roller coaster, and many are concerned with the controversy each candidate brings with them.

“My biggest concern with Hillary is the trustworthiness,” Officer Gaulden said. “Trump’s ego and his mouth sometimes gets him in a bad place and that could be a problem for our country.”

Among so many concerns, one of the biggest ones was how women would be affected if Donald Trump was elected.

“I feel that women would feel uneasy,” Ms. Lambert said. “They might also feel unsafe about him speaking on behalf of them as president.”

Between Trump’s recent sexual assault allegations and Hillary’s email scandal, the faculty agree that in this election, it is hard to decide who will be the better choice. It could be an election that is more about being passionate against the other candidate.

“This is a very polarizing election; people are feeling very one side or the other,” Ms. Lambert said. “The two main presidential candidates agree on very little, and for both political parties there are two extreme candidates that have very different opinions.”

Although controversial, this election has so much meaning. If Hillary Clinton wins, she will be the first female president, if Donald Trump wins, he will be the first businessman and non-politician in office.