Senior Season
August 19, 2022
Football games are an indispensable part of the American high school experience. The roaring crowds, the creative themes, and the school spirit are what many teenagers spend their Friday nights doing. People wait three years to experience their senior year, the year where they get to lead the chants, the year where they get to be at the front of the student section, and the year they are the stars of the show.
“Even though it was only a scrimmage, it was so much fun. It felt so great to finally be a senior in the student section. It made me so excited for all the games this season, especially the pink out,” Paige Toran said.
Though most people attending the high school football games are ready to cheer, it still takes leaders to conduct the chants.
“The first of everything is going to be trial and error,” Senior Class President Liza Romo said. “For this game, the student section leaders and I tried out different methods to get everyone hype which was good. I had a great time getting to watch the game but also bond with everyone!”
There are many different organizations and students who make exciting football games possible.
“Sometimes it can get overwhelming having to balance what needs to get done for the games in student council and my responsibilities as a cheerleader to make preparing for the games a success every time!” Student Council President and Varsity Cheerleader Makenna Lutes said.
While this was a great first football game, it was only a scrimmage so it didn’t have many of the quintessential elements of high school football.
“I’m really excited for the upcoming game because the school spirit gets amped up with the band, sapphires, and student section. It’s going to be a time to remember,” said Priyal Talwar.
At every football game, there is an exciting theme and many seniors go all out to participate in it.
“My favorite part of football season is definitely the themes,” Romo said. “I love getting to dress very out of the normal and being a part of the feel for togetherness within Reedy”
High School Football is the culmination of so many different people from different communities coming together as one to represent Reedy. For seniors, this season is incredibly important because it’s their final year to have that experience and be the one’s front and center.