Ask Dave!


Every school needs an advice column, something to help let people know what to do at their desperate needs. That is why Reedy has Dave.

Junior Ernesto Romo, mostly known as Dave, started his own segment, Ask Reedy, on OPEN Den, last year. Now it’s halfway through the first semester, and Ask Reedy has become a recurring event in the school news show.

“It’s a great privilege to be in OPEN Den because only a few people get picked.” Dave said. “We had a contest where the most impressive film would get chosen, and mine got picked. So of course I feel honored.

As the months of the school year go by, Dave spends his nights working on Ask Reedy Segments and studying for upcoming tests and quizzes.

“A typical school night for me is watching some YouTube videos, and then after that, I’ll do at least 30 minutes of studying for one thing and then study for thirty minutes on another thing.” Dave said. “And then when I’m done with everything else I might play a game or two.”

When Dave is not studying for school or doing segments for OPEN Den, he thinks about the future. And one of the things he’d love to do in the future is travel to another country.

“I would like to London one day, just for the purpose of getting all the tea that they have, because I love tea.” Dave said. “I also want to look around at all the sights.”

There comes a moment in everyone’s life when they find their first love. After finding a date for FOCO, Dave offers some dating advice.

“When I have a crush on someone, I act like a creep and just gaze upon them for a while,” Dave said. “And then after that, I try to man up and make friends with that person, and grow a relationship.”

One of the attributes to Ask Reedy is that the questions asked are chosen by the audience. But everyone has their own opinion, including Dave.

“A topic I would like to discuss on Ask Reedy is current events, such as Hurricane Matthew, to see how people feel about it.” Dave said. “I want to help people know what’s going on.”

Dave is excited to continue down his path of Ask Reedy, and he is sure that it will get him a job in filming one day.

“Broadcast is my favorite subject this year because it’s making me more connected with film and broadcasting,” Dave said. “I learn various techniques on filming, which I hope to achieve in the future one day.”